July 27, 2024

With eight more days before we end yet another challenging year, Cordillerans have joined fellow Filipinos here and in faraway lands in celebrating a Yuletide with resilience, embracing joy, hope, and love in the face of adversity.
Earlier reports stated that Filipinos, despite claims to a supposedly improving economy and increasing foreign investments in the country, continue to suffer from the skyrocketing prices of petroleum products and the downstream trickle impact on prices of basic commodities, affecting millions of average Filipino families.
For one, the election promise of the President to bring the price of rice to P20 a kilo remains a promise and by many indications, such will not be achieved even by the time his term ends four years from now.
Economic uncertainties remain high in the country and Filipinos are affected by the ever increasing cost of living due to inflation.
The declining strength of the Philippine peso against the American dollar and high unemployment numbers are also among the great challenges faced by Filipinos in 2023.
The country’s firm assertion over its right to the West Philippine Sea is an international issue affecting the current situation and bound to prevail in the future if not mitigated, as it will deprive every Filipino of benefits that can be derived from the natural gas and hydrocarbon deposits and oils within the WPS area.
The advancement of technology, also known as technological disruptions, has also caused job displacement and challenges in adapting to new skills and industries that have likewise affected a number of Filipinos.
Social inequity and the increasing number of families living below the poverty threshold as shown in disparities in income, education, and access to resources are among the great challenges this administration has to address with a sense of urgency in the next four years.
These challenges faced by Filipinos have cast a shadow over our collective spirit. But like in the past challenging years, it becomes all the more crucial to find solace and strength in the timeless traditions that bind us together.
This means this Yuletide season, let us collectively embrace the power of celebration and resilience since the ability to celebrate in the face of challenges is a testament to the indomitable human spirit.
The spirit of giving, inherent in the season, can manifest in acts of kindness, charity, and compassion. In helping others find joy, we amplify the resilience of our communities and demonstrate that even in difficult times, the spirit of generosity can thrive.
As the Yuletide season beckons, we must acknowledge the difficulties that persist, but we must not let them define our narrative. Instead, let us draw strength from the collective celebration of traditions, the warmth of human connection, and the enduring spirit of resilience.
In coming together to celebrate in spite of the challenges, we illuminate the path toward a brighter, more hopeful future for the Filipinos and our nation.