July 27, 2024

The City Environment and Parks Management Office provided support to the Department of Education in its tree planting activity dubbed “DepEd’s 236,000 Trees – A Christmas Gift for the Children.”

Forester Floro Bastian of the Urban Forestry Management Division said the Cepmo delivered 662 fruit-bearing tree seedlings to 10 schools in the city that participated in the program on Dec. 6.

Students from the schools conducted their planting activities in different sites designated by the Cepmo Forestry Division which included Forbes Park, Botanical Garden and Arboretum, and at the Buyog watershed.

The simultaneous tree-planting urged schools to plant a minimum of five seedings, according to the memorandum issued by Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Soraya Faculo.

The activity aimed to provide a unique education opportunity for students to actively participate in tree planting activities, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental issues and promoting conservation efforts.

The Forestry team also provided assistance to the students on the correct planting procedures.

Cepmo Assistant Department Head Marivic Empizo earlier said 12,850 tree seedlings had been planted in various tree planting activities coordinated with their office.

As planting season came to a close, the Cepmo encouraged schools, organizations, and groups to still conduct environmental activities like forest and tree maintenance program particularly tree tending and ring weeding sessions to care for the seedlings planted earlier.

For scheduling and coordination, groups may get in touch with the Cepmo Forestry Division at 0910-532-8139. – Aileen P. Refuerzo