July 27, 2024

The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world and that which contains all things understands what is said, alleluia (Wisdom 1:7).
It is a loving service for CFB Marketing and General Merchandise to reach out to people, especially the sick and elderly.
CFB stands for Charito Fagyan Bacullo, the owner of the marketing and merchandise.
It is about business but more than that, it is about charity. It is rare to have successful business people sustaining a beautiful tradition of reaching out to the poor and the sick.
Madame Charito is happily married to Sir Amore Bacullo. They are blessed with four responsible children, namely Bunny, Jayson, Balag-ey, and Katleen. They are all happily married. Their parents instilled in them cultural and spiritual values.
The Fagyan and Bacullo families are blessings to many. Amore hails from Sagada and Charito from Bontoc. I always admire this couple for their kindness, generosity, and love. Amore is an Italian and Latin word for love. Amare is to love.
Charito comes from the Latin word, caritas or charity. Indeed, their names and their life as a couple define the word charity. How lovely it is to see such a beautiful couple and family living out love in their lives and spreading love everywhere.
It takes a deeper understanding of service and sacrifice for people to share blessings and significantly making it a family tradition. The Fagyan and Bacullo families have been a big help in the church and its activities and to the communities of Mountain Province.
For 27 years, the CFB was able to sustain their medical missions and outreach programs. It conducts its medical mission and outreach during their founding anniversary.
There are many unique features I appreciate in the CFB medical mission. It is being supported and attended by volunteers from different hospitals for years. It is strongly supported by the Bontoc communities, clan, and families wherever they go.
It always starts with the Holy Mass and everyone is encouraged to join.
The spiritual part of healing is given a special place in the medical mission. They always involve priests and pastors to pray over the people and the success of the event.
The CFB does not only give free medicines but also gifts for volunteers and everyone who attend the event.
Medicines are not kept by CFB after the medical mission but left to the clinics and hospitals where medical missions were conducted.
Faith to continue believing in God, hope to heal integrally, and charity to reach out are core values experienced and encountered.
The team is composed of people from different religious affiliations and the medical mission is for everyone.
On May 19 on the Feast of Pentecost, the CFB medical mission team joined the Basic Ecclesial Communities of Barlig Catholic Mission for the Holy Mass.
Madame Charito emphasized to her team the significance of the Holy Mass in every medical mission.
The Barlig church was filled with the Holy Spirit, especially the gifts that left everyone in awe and wonder.
“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” (Corinthians 12:3b-7)
Healing is integral. The old Latin dictum says, “Mens sana incorpore sano,” to mean, “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” It should also mean, “A healthy soul in a healthy body.” Perfect healing happens in Jesus, which is easier to say, “Take up your mat and go or your sins are forgiven.”
Science and faith are not opposing but complementing. Physical and spiritual aspects are attended for integral healing. If the body is attended with medical interventions and yet doctors cannot diagnose the sickness, perhaps it is not physical illness but spiritual. In our terms, “sakit ti nakem, saan nga sakit ti bagi.”
For everything God be praised and be glorified. To all those who are sacrificing their time, talent, and treasure for healing such as the CFB Marketing and General Merchandise, God bless you more and more.
Reach me at [email protected].