July 27, 2024

■  Harley F. Palangchao 

BUGUIAS, Benguet – The multipurpose school building of Kimpit Elementary School in Amlimay barangay has been formally inaugurated on Dec. 14, an early Christmas offering to the learners and teachers.

Thanks to the stakeholders from the private and government sectors that were inspired by the unity displayed by community residents to build a classroom to address the shortage of facilities for the 80 pupils through the “Build Me a School” program of the Department of Education.

A COMMUNITY PROJECT — The multipurpose school building, which was put up through community initiative led by the Parents-Teachers Association of Kimpit Elementary School in Amlimay, Buguias, Benguet was formally inaugurated and turned over to the Department of Education. Members of the Cordillera Golfers Foundation, Inc. which also financed the completion of the first phase of the building graced the event. — Harley Palangchao

One of the benefactors, the Cordillera Golfers Foundation, Inc. (CGFI), was invited to grace the turnover and acceptance of the multipurpose building from the Parents-Teachers Association to DepEd-Benguet.

The construction during the launch of the Brigada Eskwela in 2022 after several parents and concerned individuals donated construction materials.

Parents, including women, served as laborers while personnel of the Provincial Mobile Force Company and Special Action Force of the Philippine National Police also came to help during the construction.

The CGFI members posed for snapshot at the grounds of Kimpit Elementary School.

The construction hit a snag due to lack of funds, but the CGFI came to the rescue when it donated more than P300,000 worth construction materials to complete the building.

FEEDING TIME — Members of the CGFI distributed food packs to the delight of pupils of Kimpit Elementary School in Amlimay, Buguias, Benguet.

The amount was part of the proceeds of the maiden CGFI tournament held at Camp John Hay and Pinewoods Golf and Country Club in May.

TOKEN — Members of the CGFI received tokens from the Parents-Teachers Association.

The Kimpit ES was identified as the beneficiary in the Schools Division of Benguet through Schools Division Superintendent Sally L. Banaken-Ullalim

THE CAST — Residents led by the Parents-Teachers Association, pupils, and guests posed for a snapshot with the new and existing school buildings of Kimpit Elementary School in the background.

Former Chief Education Supervisor Lucio Alawas also played a major role in the identification of the school as a primary beneficiary of the fund support.

In total, the CGFI has allocated P2.4 million for all the eight schools divisions of DepEd-Cordillera for this year.

The Parents-Teachers Association of Kimpit ES is thankful to the CGFI through Rex Balong-angey and other private partners for responding to the request to be part of the “Build Me a School” program.

The multipurpose school building was formally turned over by the Parents-Teachers Association to the Department of Education following a signing of the deed of donation on Dec. 14.

CGFI Corporate Secretary Marlo Quadra said the amount donated by the group is just part of a bigger picture, as CGFI has been inspired by the spirit of oneness and bayahinan displayed by community if only to provide better facilities for the learners.

Quadra said the CGFI board will soon review if the group will extend support for the second phase of the building.