July 27, 2024

What is in a child that even unkind people are attracted and led to conversion?
Jesus, as Sto. Niño is the fulfillment of God’s promise and faithfulness. Jesus as a child lived the values and virtues of chastity, holiness, innocence, love, and dependence (CHILD).
Jesus was born, grew, and lived an adult life. The timeline of Jesus was a Kairos time and sheer Chronos.
Today, we appreciate and admire children and youth who continue to live the values and virtues of CHILD. We pray their tribe will increase.
CHILD speaks of power. The child maybe powerless and yet powerful because God works in them and God protects them.
In short, CHILD means beauty. Hence, it has the power to attract.
It is our moral and spiritual responsibility to become CHILD-like in order to overcome our CHILDish attitude.
The Holy Child therefore reminds us every day, “Unless you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 18:3-5)

My first engagement at the Baguio City High National School was loaded with the Spirit.
According to Sir Francis Lumiwes, the school caters to almost 7,000 students with almost 400 teaching personnel.
BCHNS Principal Whitney Dawayen animated the participants with his encouraging opening message, to be collaborators of truth and education.
I sensed the talk I delivered was short for them as they requested me to have more time but since I am not the only speaker, I have to leave but Sir Francis said, “This is the start of our collaboration.”
My talk revolved on this line, “My values and virtues spell my value. When I fill my family with values and virtues, I will naturally overcome vices. My victory against evil are my values and virtues.”
Joy is a virtue. Joy is not an emotion. It is a permanent and natural disposition of the heart to be happy. When we are happy in the workplace, we will have quality output and lasting friendship.
A lady approached me expressing her joy being spiritually boosted and she was teary-eyed having connected with the testimonies in the Bible and true-to-life stories shared.
Big thanks to Sirs Dawayen and Lumiwes for the invitation and warm welcome.
Thanks too to all the participants for the lively attention and for connecting with my testimonies.
Thanks too to all my kakailyan from Bontoc, Sadanga, Sagada, and Bauko, all in Mountain Province who came after my talk to express friendship and appreciation. I felt the home in them.
With all your prayers, support, and love, I promise to do more quality services. I will be turning another year this Jan. 30. Please pray for me more for healthy life and healthy body and soul.
Reach me at [email protected].