July 27, 2024

The city’s celebration of Marriage Week is set Feb. 7 to 14, with the theme, “Commitment through the years: Changing seasons, unchanging love.”
Spearheaded by the City Social Welfare and Development Office under Betty Fangasan and in coordination with national agencies and local government offices, the activities for the week-long celebration will be done with strict observance of the minimum public health standards (MPHS) and restrictions.
The launching on Feb. 7 will be done online featuring couples in government service including city officials and their spouse who serve as inspiration.
On Feb. 11, a marriage enrichment counseling for seven couples per social welfare unit will be conducted with proper profiling and documentation, featuring problems and the challenges they faced and overcame during the pandemic.
A pre-marriage orientation is also set from Feb. 7 to 14 at the Health Services Office in coordination with the Local Civil Registrar other government agencies and counselors from government and religious groups.                
A couples’ parenting forum is slated anytime during the month.
A modular session for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program beneficiaries is also set throughout the month.
Persons deprived of liberty will be given a chance to talk with their loved ones through virtual meetings.
This is in coordination with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology with faith-based partner Rev. Rowena Orajay of Uplife Movement. 
A Strong Family Program will be done with the guidance of trained pastors and social workers.
A renewal of vows through the office of Councilor Lilia Farinas will also be held after suitable venues are identified. – Julie G. Fianza