July 27, 2024

City Planning and Development Coordinator Donna Tabangin has assured all the development plans being crafted by the city government are strategic and implementable in the years ahead regardless of who is at the helm of the city government.
“All the plans that we crafted and are crafting should go beyond political terms. We made sure of that because after all, they are intended for the entire city and not just for one person,” Tabangin said in response to queries on the continuity of the plans in the event of a change in the city’s administration.
Tabangin said residents play a role in ensuring the continuity of these plans to achieve their end goal.
“Let us be stewards to see to it that all our plans are implemented properly and continuously to ensure progression and utmost outcome,” she said.
The City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) is currently updating the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which charts the city’s physical and economic development for the next 10 years and the
The Comprehensive Development Plan serves as the implementing instrument of the CLUP.
It also drafted the master plans for the development of critical sites and investment hubs including parks, satellite markets, housing projects, and heritage sites.
It is also involved in the crafting of the development plans and programs of the various departments of the city government including the Green Walk project to make Session Road a complete street promoting safe mobility and leisure promenade, and the Blue Walk project, a three-pronged environmental program envisioned for the conservation of the critical Busol watershed, augmentation of the water supply by harnessing surface water and restoration of the river tributaries of the forest reserve. – Aileen P. Refuerzo