July 27, 2024

The pandemic has necessitated the need for the city government to develop a contingency plan for emerging and re-emerging diseases to be integrated in the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council’s (CDRRMC) Public Service Continuity and Contingency Plans.

In this regard, the CDRRM Office under Antonette Anaban conducted a “Contingency Planning Workshop on Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases” from Dec. 13 to 17 participated in by focal representatives of DRRMC member-offices, agencies, and civil society organizations.

Anaban said the five-day activity aimed to give participants the knowledge, skills, and attitude that are essential in formulating a contingency plan that is responsive to needs that will arise during a worst-case situation brought about by public health emergencies.      

She said DRRM is the systematic process of using administrative directives, organizations, operational skills, and capacities to implement strategies, policies, and improved coping capacities to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and possibility of disasters.

She echoed Mayor Benjamin Magalong’s appeal for residents and visitors to strictly follow minimum public health standards and getting fully vaccinated including having booster shots as protective shields against Covid-19 and its variants.

The CDRRMO also conduct similar week-long workshops developing contingency plans on earthquakes and hydrometeorological disasters.

Anaban said the outputs from the activities will be presented to the city council and Mayor Benjamin Magalong for their consideration and possible approval.

Efficient disaster management is one of the city government’s 15-point agenda towards achieving good governance. – Gaby B. Keith