July 27, 2024

The city government of Baguio was rated very high on satisfaction of clients who availed of government services according to a third party survey conducted this year. 

The city government of Baguio and the Department of the Interior and Local Government-Cordillera tapped the University of the Cordilleras to conduct the 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS). 

Engr. Nathaniel Vincent Lubrica, program manager of the UC-CSIS team said three factors were focused in the survey: awareness of the public on city government services, availment services, and satisfaction of clients who availed of the services. 

The same survey was conducted by the UC team in 2013 and 2017 where results showed public awareness of government services was low. 

In the 2023 survey, the city government was able to improve its awareness campaign from 29.44 percent in 2017 to 58 percent. 

Lubrica said the city needs to improve on the availability of services since out of the 74 local services, only 26 percent of the respondents representing their household availed of the services. 

However, the study showed a very high satisfaction rating from those who availed the services. 

The survey sampled 150 household-respondents equally divided into male and female with an average age of 43, mostly college graduates.

The survey was done through face-to-face interviews in 29 barangays in the city. 

Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong said the result of the CSIS would require critical thinking to improve the services of the city government. 

He said the city and the DILG partnered with UC to conduct a third party survey to derive an objective pulse of the people of Baguio. 

“The result of the survey should be a challenge to us workers in the government. We should not be satisfied with the good results; we should aim for a hundred percent satisfaction,” the mayor said. 

He added government workers may say that they are effective but at the end of the day, it will be the end-users, the clients’ perspective that would say if services provided were efficient. – Jessa Mardy P. Samidan