July 27, 2024

Baguio City is taking a stand against a growing form of vandalism: sticker graffiti, which are increasingly being used to deface traffic signs, public facilities, and private properties.

“We’re seeing more and more stickers being used to vandalize our city. It’s not just an eyesore but also a safety hazard. Stickers can obscure important information on traffic signs, and they can be difficult and costly to remove,” Public Order and Safety Division (POSD) Chief Daryll Kim Longid said. 

To combat the problem, the city is launching a heightened campaign to enforce its existing anti-graffiti ordinances that prohibit any person from applying graffiti, including stickers, on any public or private property without permission.

“We’re going to be taking a zero-tolerance approach to sticker vandalism. Anyone caught will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Longid added.

Penalties for sticker vandalism include fines of up to P5,000 and imprisonment for up to 30 days.

In addition to enforcement, the city is working to remove existing sticker vandalism.

“The POSD is committed to keeping our street and traffic signages free from any form of vandalism. We are urging everyone to help us by reporting such deplorable acts that you may see. You may use any of our following contact information for this purpose: landline – (074) 620-3681; mobile – 0915-123-1883; Facebook Page of Public Order and Safety Division – City of Baguio,” Longid said. – POSD release