July 27, 2024

City Mayor Benjamin Ma-galong has asked the city council to pass a resolution recommending the termination of the memorandum of agreement between the city government and Rapid Process Inorganic Technology Innovation Corporation (Rapport), operator of the Environment Recycling System (ERS) composting machines used to process biodegradable wastes.

In his letter to Vice Mayor Faustino Olowan, the mayor said Rapport has committed a substantial breach in its obligations to the city government.

In the city’s MOA with Rapport, the latter committed to improve the operation and maintain the sanitary condition of the machines, make the Irisan controlled dump into a model materials recovery facility, and pay the city government’s share of P3 per kilo of compost fertilizer sold.

Magalong said Rapport reneged on its obligations. Citing a report of the Ge-neral Services Office, the mayor said in his letter that foul odor still emanates from the machines due to untreated leachate while the conveyor, hummer mill, and squeezer are not functioning.

Also, the company has not been regularly paying the current and water consumption resulting in arrears and penalties.

The mayor said a notice of termination of contract will be issued to Rapport as soon as the council passes a resolution confirming the termination.

In his letter dated April 29, Rapport owner Rodrigo Guerrero said the company is addressing all issues the GSO raised when they were issued a notice of violation.

Guerrero said their lapses were due to delays in the arrival of supplies and equipment needed for waste water treatment and repair of the ERS machines.

He also said Rapport is up to date in its payment for utility services and assured that surcharges will be paid not later than June this year.

But GSO head Eugene Buyucan said Rapport’s explanation is not convincing enough.

Matagal silang napagbigyan dahil sa pandemic pero mabaho pa rin. We are converting the former dumpsite into an ecopark. Hindi pwede na kapag na binuksan na ito sa publiko ay may mabaho sa tabi niya,” Buyucan told reporters in an interview last May 12.

He added the city government has not been receiving a share from the sale of compost for Rapport is not able to sell the compost due to lacking permits from the Department of Agriculture. 

He said this is why the GSO recommended to the mayor to cancel the MOA so the city government could look for other companies capable of maintaining the operation of the ERS machines. 

The city council will discuss the mayor’s request for the termination of contract in its May 17 session.  – Rimaliza A. Opiña