July 27, 2024

The city government is improving its Covid-19 vaccination process to address the problems that had cropped up since its rollout last February.

At the same time, Mayor Benjamin Magalong ordered the adoption of contingency plans to ensure smooth and convenient vaccination schedules and process during the rainy season.

The mayor led the management committee in an observation tour of the four main vaccination sites at the University of Baguio, St. Louis University, St. Vincent, and SM Baguio last May 25 to assess the procedures and situations first hand.

The team convened afterwards to discuss and recommend solutions to the problems identified. 

Team members agreed to streamline the process by adopting a unified and paperless system to improve the speed and to provide more support systems like putting up of more directional signs, public address systems, and music and sound system to ensure convenience for the vaccinees.

For the UB venue where limited space and influx of people often caused discomfort, the officials agreed to restrategize by reducing the number of barangays and residents assigned and request the use of more available buildings to control the inflow of people and eliminate queues outside. 

The City Health Services Office and the Management Information Technical Division of the City Mayor’s Office will roll out the optimized vaccination process which will reduce the steps from five to just three along with the improved system of pre-registration masterlisting.

The mayor said the city will enhance the involvement of the barangays in the pre-registration aspect to avoid walk-in online registration that slows down the process.

He said onsite inspections will be done regularly to continually fine tune the procedures based on the needs and developments that will arise.

“This is needed to help our City Health Services Office, which despite the odds and the overwhelming tasks, continues to do a great job considering their limited resources and manpower,” the mayor said. – Aileen P. Refuerzo