July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – The Commission on Elections convened a conference with election officers (EO) and assistant election officers and casuals to prepare for the upcoming filing of certificates of candidacy (COC) for the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (BSKE).

During the meeting, Provincial Election Supervisor, Atty. Mae Richelle Belmes, shared the guidelines and updates for the COC filing process for the BSKE 2023 scheduled from Aug. 28 to Sept. 2.

Basta ti kitkitan tayo ket complete ba ken awan ba ti blank nga space, qualified ba ti age na, registered voter ba, nu pasok dagidiay nga tallo, accept the COC ngem nu ada ti maysa kadagidiay nga awan, you reject the COC,” she said.

In case of non-acceptance of COC, Belmes said the candidate, not any representative, can file a petition with the Commission en Banc in Manila.

Belmes also addressed concerns raised by election officers from various municipalities in the province. These revolved on topics covered during the orientation that include the criteria for non-acceptance of COCs, rules regarding withdrawal and substitution, as well as other technical procedures and processes.

The meeting and orientation aimed to equip municipal election officers to efficiently manage the conduct of COC filing and address other election-related matters.

“We will again face challenges for another milestone in our career as election on Oct. 30 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections. I hope we are on the side of Comelec to regulate this election in accordance with the law,” she said.

Sets of computers were also delivered and distributed to the municipal election officers during the meeting and orientation held on Aug. 23.

Belmes said the equipment will be used to access and input information in the Comelec database for COC filing process and procedure.

The activity is part of the preparations to ensure the orderly and safe conduct of the BSKE 2023. in the province. – Jamie Joie Malingan