July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong lamented the minimal participation of residents and other members of the community during clean up drives along creeks, roads and roadsides, parks and others.

“We commend barangays and residents who have been religiously doing their part for our revitalized Clean and Orderly Baguio campaign but for those whose contribution to the campaign remains lacking, I do hope that more efforts will be exerted to clean their surroundings not only for aesthetics purposes but also for the health and safety of our constituents,” the mayor appealed.

He said making cleanliness a habit and showing determination to tidy up would create a snowball effect as it will influence more residents and other stakeholders to do their share,” the mayor said.

The mayor noted the persistent efforts of the city government in partnership with the Baguio City Police Office, Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureay of Jail Management and Penology, Armed Forders of the Philippines, students, various civic service organizations and volunteers to contribute to the revitalized campaign.

 “But without ample support from the community and the entire Baguio populace, there is no moving forward,” the mayor said.  – Aileen P. Refuerzo