July 27, 2024

The city government kicked off a series of consultations with the various sectors to begin planning for their reactivation and reoperation upon the winding down of the enhanced community quarantine.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong convened the members of the Hotel and Restaurant Association of Baguio and the manufacturing sector on April 7 and the education and business process outsourcing groups on April 8 and the night market association on April 9.

City Administrator Bonifacio dela Peña said he started engaging the construction sector to also determine the parameters within which they can work in case building works resume particularly on excavations and slope protection works left precariously with the imposition of the quarantine. 

 The consultations which were done with the participation and guidance of health authorities aimed to gather inputs as basis for the drafting of guidelines to steer the reoperation or reactivation of these sectors amid the continuing threat of the coronavirus disease.

Even if the national government extended the quarantine, the city has to begin planning now to prepare for the recovery stage of the anti-Covid-19 campaign as a proactive measure.

Prior to the quarantine extension order, the mayor was hoping for a modified or localized quarantine scheme where local government units will have the prerogative to implement calibrated recovery measures depending on their capability and health status. 

The mayor said with the Covid-19 measures and systems put in place, he is confident that the city can gradually jumpstart some economic activities particularly on construction, transport and manufacturing.

But with the decision to extend the quarantine until April 30, the city will have to wait it out and concentrate on planning for recovery at the moment. – Aileen P. Refuerzo