July 27, 2024

The city council has urged the Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) to include cancer patients, persons living with cancer, and cancer survivors in the issuance of PWD identification cards.
Councilor Arthur Allad-iw, chair of the committee on employment, livelihood, cooperatives, and PWDs, said it is the mandate of the PDAO to implement the Republic Act 11215 or the National Integrated Cancer Control Act, which includes cancer patients, persons living with cancer and cancer survivors as PWDs.
The law says said patients are given the same rights and privileges as PWDs and mandates the Department of Social Welfare and Development to ensure the social welfare benefits are granted to them.
Allad-iw, along with co-authors Councilors Fred Bagbagen, Philian Louise Allan, and Levy Lloyd Orcales, said the issuance of PWD ID cards was transferred from the City Social Welfare and Development Office to PDAO.
“The PWD ID is a relief to them as they can use it in availing certain special privileges and discounts to bonafide PWDs,” reads the resolution.
The provincial board of Benguet earlier passed a resolution mandating all 13 municipalities to give cancer patients the same rights and privileges given to PWDs. 
The Department of Labor and Employment is also mandated to adopt programs promoting work and employment opportunities for able persons with cancer and cancer survivors. – Ofelia C. Empian