July 27, 2024

Restaurants and other similar establishment must provide their customers service water.

Councilor Fred Bagbagen these establishments should automatically serve potable water and not only when a customer asks for it.

He said some restaurants do not even give free water to customers, prompting them to buy bottled water.

With this observation, the councilor has proposed an ordinance mandating all restaurants and other similar establishments in the city to provide free access to potable water to their customers. A signage with the phrase “Free Service Water” shall also be posted inside the premises of the establishments.

The proposed ordinance, once enacted, shall likewise direct all restaurants and other similar business establishments operating in the city to regularly maintain and clean their water dispensers, water vending machines, and water storage containers.

The City Health Services Office shall be tasked to inspect business establishments to ensure compliance. Furthermore, the CHSO shall conduct monthly water sampling and bacteriology tests on the food outlets’ source of service water.

The public shall be encouraged to lodge their complaint to the CHSO against food establishments violating the ordinance.

The CHSO shall immediately verify the veracity of a complaint and conduct an investigation. After which, the CHSO shall dismiss the complaint or issue a notice of violation.

Any food establishment found to have violated the ordinance shall be fined P3,000 and shall be given a notice of violation for the first offense; P4,000 and a second notice of violation for the second offense; and shall have its business permit suspended and shall be ordered to close for the third offense.

The proposed ordinance has been approved on first reading and referred to the sanggunian’s committee on health and sanitation, ecology, and environmental protection for review. – Jordan G. Habbiling