July 27, 2024

Almost half of the 81 Covid-19-related deaths recorded in the city since the start of the pandemic in March last year until Jan. 13 occurred from December to the first two weeks this year.
Based on the Exploratory Data Analysis of Baguio City Covid-19 cases daily updates, a study led by the University of the Philippines-Baguio in coordination with the City Health Services Office, 40 of the 81 or 49.48 percent of the Covid-19-related deaths in the city were recorded from Dec. 1, 2020 to Jan. 13.
The study said the number of deaths represents 1.84 percent of the 4,278 cases in the city as of Jan. 13, which meant that in every 100 positive patients, two have died.
It added deaths are highest among the 60 to 69 years old, which accounted 25 of the total deaths followed by the 70 to 79 years old, which had 21. No deaths were recorded among the 20 to 29 years old.
The study showed more than half of the deaths were males with 49 or 60.49 percent and 32 or 39.51 percent were females.
The highest number of deaths occurred in December in which 26 died – 18 are males and eight are females.
From Jan. 1 to 13, there were 14 deaths recorded of which five are males and nine are females.
Twelve of those who died are asymptomatic patients while 40 were categorized as mild cases, 22 severe cases, and seven while being brought to the hospitals.
“These cases of death due to Covid-19 constitute a small portion of the city’s population (0.021 percent or about 20 positive cases per 100,000 individuals) and of the current total number of actual cases. However, this does not mean that the disease is not fatal. We should still take the necessary precautions and recommended preventive measures to protect not only ourselves but also others around us,” the study stated.
The study also showed that 34 or 41.98 percent of the patients experienced difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, and dyspnea with 34 or 41.98 percent.
Thirty-one of the patients or 38.27 experienced cough, while 15 cases or 18.52 percent experienced body malaise, weakness, or pain.
Lesser experienced symptoms were also reported such as vomiting, poor oral intake, myalgia, chills, chest pain, altered mental status, and abdominal pain.
The most reported co-morbid condition is hypertension with 26, followed by diabetes with 16, and chronic kidney disease with five.
Almost half or 35 patients were admitted to the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center in which 13 had mild conditions, 11 had severe conditions, six were declared as DOA, and five were asymptomatic patients. Seven patients were admitted at Notre Dame de Chartres Hospital.
UP Baguio regularly posts updates of its study on its Facebook page as part of its public service initiative. – Jane B. Cadalig