July 27, 2024

The Department of Health reported that the critical care utilization for Covid-19 in the Cordillera remains at moderate risk but advised the public to continuously practice disease prevention and control measures.
Based on the DOH-CAR  Feasibility Analysis of Syndromic Surveillance using Spatio-Temporal Epidemiological Modeler (Fassster) data, the Critical Care Utilization Rate (CCUR) in the region to date is at 31.58 percent, which is equivalent to 18 occupants out of the 57 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds allotted for Covid-19.
Fassster data also shows that isolation bed utilization is at 31.28 percent (152 out of 486), while ward beds is at 27.11 percent (45/166) and 18.18 percent (6 out of 33) for the use of mechanical ventilators.
The CCUR being considered is whichever is  the highest on the utilization of ICU beds, isolation beds or ward beds, Data come from all the health care facilities in the region that are under DOH monitoring.
Fassster is a system developed by DOH, DOST-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, and Ateneo De Manila University that provides a user-friendly tool for modeling disease spread in the Philippines now used by the DOH for Covid-19 disease surveillance.
For Baguio City,  the CCUR is at 50 percent with 15 out of 30 ICU beds being used while the city’s utilization rate in terms of isolation beds is at 31.42 percent (71 out of 226).
For the provinces, critical care utilization (based on isolation beds occupied) is topped by Apayao with 59.38 percent (19/32) followed by Benguet at 47.62 percent (30/63). Kalinga is at 40.91 percent (18/44); Ifugao at 31.25 percent (5/16); Mountain Province at 12.50 percent (8/64); and Abra with 2.44 percent (1/41).
As of Aug. 17 data of DOH-CAR, the region recorded 565 total confirmed cases with 224 active, 332 recoveries, and 9 deaths, which translates to 58.76 recovery rate; and fatality rate of 1.59 percent.
 DOH Regional Director Ruby Constantino reiterated the health department’s advice for people to stay vigilant and always prioritize their health and protection against Covid and any other disease.   
“Even if we say that the healthcare system has already adapted to the Covid-19 situation, this should not lower our guards. Everyone must stay vigilant and continuously assess what gaps need to be addressed – the psychological state of all health care workers and all frontliners and possible shortages in resources and infrastructures – which may lead to further imbalances in the system that may incapacitate us to cope in the succeeding days, weeks, and months amidst this pandemic,” Constantino stressed.
“Covid-19 has found its way into our community and the only defense we have against it is to protect ourselves and keep our bodies at optimum health. We should not panic because we are already equipped with the right information and the right guidelines. All we have to do is be optimistic that we can surpass this pandemic and conscientiously practice disease prevention and control measures within the confines of our homes and workplaces and always observe the minimum public health standards”, she added. – Carlito C. Dar