July 27, 2024

The city council has urged the City Engineering Office (CEO) to conduct a land survey for the delineation of the boundaries of Malcolm Square, also known as People’s Park, with respect to its adjacent streets and roads.

In a dialogue between city council members and representatives of the CEO and the Department of Public Works and Highways, the discussion centered around the boundary of Malcolm Square, focusing on the road right-of-way and the park itself.

However, a clear and definitive description of the park’s boundary was not provided during the discussion.

CEO representative, Engr. Amy Jane Gas-ib said they had scheduled a meeting on Feb. 22 to discuss matters related to the conduct of a land survey and the implementation of projects in the park.

She acknowledged the need for coordination with other offices, such as the City Assessor’s Office, to ensure the accuracy in the technical description and boundaries of the park.

Councilor Isabelo Cosalan, Jr. said a portion of Perfecto St. adjacent to the park had been closed off to vehicular traffic. Barriers had been installed at both ends of this portion of the road, and the development of this area visually integrates it into the park surroundings.

He said there is a need to establish clear boundaries for Malcolm Square to determine whether this section of Perfecto St. falls within or outside the park’s jurisdiction.

Additionally, the park is bordered by Session Road and Magsaysay Avenue, both recognized as national roads.

Cosalan said it is important to define the boundaries of the park for proper delineation of the respective jurisdictions of the DPWH and the city government.

“This consideration is particularly important due to the prescribed width of the road right of way by DPWH, which is 20 meters for both Session Road and Magsaysay Avenue. Establishing these boundaries helps determine which parts of the sidewalk belong to the park,” Cosalan said.

The discussion on the boundaries of Malcolm Square was an offshoot of the proposed ordinance authored by Cosalan which seeks to regulate the operation and maintenance of Malcolm Square.

It establishes rules for admission, activities, and conduct within the park including prohibitions on smoking, littering, and gambling.

The ordinance is aimed at preserving the park as a public space for recreational and cultural activities while promoting orderliness and compliance with established regulations.

Cosalan said once a thorough survey has been conducted to generate the technical description and ascertain the land area of Malcolm Square, it becomes easier to establish the extent of coverage of the proposed ordinance.

Clear boundaries aid in enforcing regulations and maintaining the integrity of the park area, he said. – Jordan G. Habbiling