July 27, 2024

The Department of Budget and Management has approved the creation of about 5,000 non-teaching positions in schools supervised by the Department of Education nationwide.

In a news release, the DBM said the creation of new non-teaching positions for fiscal year (FY) 2024 aims to help relieve teachers of the burden of performing administrative tasks due to the lack or absence of non-teaching personnel in schools.

“Our educators already have their plates full. By approving the creation of 5,000 non-teaching positions, we aim to relieve teachers of administrative tasks and allow them to focus on quality instruction,” Budget Sec. Amenah Pangandaman said.

“This move will significantly benefit our educators and enhance the country’s education system.”

Pangandaman said the move reflects President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.’s commitment to uphold the overall welfare of both teachers and learners.

The 5,000 non-teaching positions within DepEd are Administrative Officer II positions with salary grade 11 for FY 2024.

They will be deployed to school division offices and schools nationwide, the DBM said.

Funding requirements for the positions will be charged against the Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits Fund in the FY 2024 General Appropriations Act, while the Retirement and Life Insurance Premium is chargeable against Automatic Appropriations. – PNA