July 27, 2024

With the upcoming graduation and moving-up ceremonies, the Department of Education has reminded schools to conduct simple and solemn commencement exercises.

DepEd-Cordillera Director Estela Cariño has cited Department Order 9-2023, which states graduation and moving-up ceremonies should be simple yet meaningful.

She said schools should not have excessive spending, require extravagant attire or extraordinary venue for such activity. 

Cariño said the school uniform or casual or formal wear is the best recommended attire for the ceremonies. The use of toga or sablay is allowed as optional additional garb.

“The rites are to be conducted in an appropriate solemn ceremony befitting the graduating students and their family, and is not a venue for a political forum,” Cariño said.

Schools are also encouraged to invite guest speakers who are successful graduates of the institution to inspire the learners. The message of speakers should also be related to this year’s theme, “Gradweyt ng K to 12: Hinubog ng matatag na Edukasyon (K to 12 graduates: Modeled through a resilient educational foundation)”.

Schools are also discouraged from collecting any kind of contribution, or graduation or moving-up fees.   

Wearing of face masks is not required and is left to the discretion of the learners and their parents, and the observance of physical distancing is not mandatory.

She said the end of the academic fourth quarter is on July 7 and the conduct of end-of-school-year rites will be from July 10 to 14.

Based on the 2022 to 2023 school year’s enrollment data, there are 101,377 learners from kindergarten to grade 12 from public schools expected to move up and graduate this school year. – Ofelia C. Empian