July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – The Department of the Interior and Local Government-Abra led the provincial roll-out of the Electronic Business Permit and Licensing System (eBPLS) to local government units to increase competitiveness and ease the conduct of business in the province.

The eBPLS is a Cloud-based software that offers users with innovative features to make the business permit processing more accurate and speedy. The software introduces a systematic approach to streamline the business permit licensing process of the LGUs.

This was developed by the Department of Information and Communications Technology to enable LGUs process application for new and renewal of business permits electronically.

Evence Michael Baguilat of DICT Cluster 1 said they offer the eBPLS software automation for free to the LGUs and provide IT support in the configuration, setup, and testing of the software.

DICT will also provide technical support during the database build-up, pilot stages, and during implementation of the system. The agency also conducts one session of formal or classroom users training and an on-the-job training for systems users and system administrators. 

Elizabeth Layugan, DILG Abra eBPLS focal person, said this is in compliance to the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 and to one of the 10-point socioeconomic agenda of President Rodrigo Duterte to simplify all steps and services in the LGUs.

The eBPLS helps LGUs process business permits more accurately, faster, and attracts more businesses, Layugan said.

“However, it needs stable Internet connectivity. One challenge in the province is that not all LGUs have access to Internet and our Internet connection is not stable, which is why we need to improve the Internet connectivity in our province,” she said. – Xandro Alexander D. Cariño

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