July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – The Abra Provincial Department of Health Office (PDOHO) has reiterated public health precautions as cases of sore eyes, locally known as kamata, continue to increase in the province.

PDOHO Head Lilibeth B. Martin stressed the importance of frequent handwashing, personal hygiene, and seeking proper information and consultation to prevent the spread of the infection.

 “As much as possible, avoid touching your face kasi ‘yung hands natin hindi palaging malinis yan. It is the hand which is the usual culprit kung bakit tayo nagkakaroon ng infection,” she advised.

Martin said around 600 cases of sore eyes were recorded in the past weeks, and there maybe unreported cases of the highly contagious infection.

She said the first cases of sore eyes were observed in the barangays most affected by heavy flooding during the recent typhoons. From these areas, the infection started to spread in other municipalities of the province.

Katatapos lang ng Typhoons Egay and Goring and most affected here in Bangued are in Sta. Rosa, Cabuloan, and San Antonio and na-notice na d’yan nag-start ‘yung mga may sore eyes noon,” she said.

Sore eyes or conjunctivitis is a contagious infection that spreads through having contact with infectious tears, eye discharge or respiratory discharge that can contaminate the hands. – Jamie Joie Malingan