July 27, 2024

Covid-19 cases will continue to increase unless there is a vaccine that will stop its spread, an official of the Department of Health said.
“Unless there is a vaccine, transmission will continue so protect yourself, DOH-Cordillera Director Ruby Constantino said.
With the opening of the economy and increased mobility, she said transmission is likely and the only way to slow down spread of the virus at present is by following the minimum health protocols.
Constantino said it is also important for those who are asymptomatic to isolate themselves so as not infect others.
Currently, the infection ratio in the Cordillera is 1:1 or one positive case, infecting another individual.
Nurse Karen Lonogan of the DOH Regional Epidemiological and Surveillance Unit added the public should not be complacent especially when availing of any form of test that detects the presence of SARS-COV2, the pathogen that causes the Covid-19.
Lonogan said being tested negative in one day does not mean that an individual will exhibit the same results the next day or the days thereafter.
As of Aug. 26, the DOH reported there are 703 confirmed cases in the Cordillera with 167 active cases, a recovery rate of 526, and 10 deaths.
To prevent clustering of cases, the DOH is also monitoring the condition in jails.
Lonogan said staying in enclosed and limited spaces increases the chances of transmission especially among persons deprived of liberty and employees of jails or detention centers. She said the DOH has released guidelines to the Department of the Interior and Local Government requiring the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology to have PDLs tested first before admission and before release.
DOH data show there were two PDLs in Baguio and one in Apayao who have tested positive for the Covid-19. Lonogan said transmission of the virus has been controlled due to the early detection of the cases. – Rimaliza A. Opiña