July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – The Department of Health-Cordillera visited local government units in the province to communicate the latest directives from the National Vaccination Operations Center (NVOC).

Led by Asst. Regional Director Amelita Pangilinan, the team held a dialogue with the local chief executives (LCEs) on the need to maximize efforts in the vaccination of residents to reach the daily target jabs, fast delivery of vaccines to the municipal level, administration of vaccines within 15 to 30 days upon receipt, monitoring of the expiration dates of vaccines, and timely report of vaccine accomplishments including daily inventory reports of remaining vaccines.

Pangilinan lauded the initiatives and accomplishments of the Bangued LGU in the vaccination of its residents against Covid-19.

Out of the 27 municipalities in the province, Bangued has the highest average daily jabs at 305 and total weekly jabs of 2,135.  

It is one of the municipalities with the highest target for Covid-19 vaccination along with Bucay, La Paz, and Lagangi-lang.

While almost all residents are now freely submitting themselves for the vaccination, Mayor Dominic Valera still reminded the punong barangays to identify those who are not yet vaccinated in their respective areas to make sure no one is left behind.

One of the main concerns raised by the punong barangays is the provision of additional vaccination sites aside from the Holy Spirit Academy of Bangued Grounds to expedite vaccination.

The inoculation of the pediatric population also started in coordination with the Provincial Department of Health. A total of 60,964 Abrenians have been vaccinated so far, which represents 35.05 percent of the total eligible population. – Christian Allister Tubadeza