July 27, 2024

The Department of Health All Expert Group (AEG) has asked Gamaleya-Sputnik V vaccinees to wait for the arrival of component 2 (second dose), regardless of the delay in the interval as there is insufficient evidence to support mixing of Sputnik V with other vaccines.
This means the administration of a second dose from different brands of Covid-19 vaccines is not allowed.
The National Vaccination Operations Center, in its Advisory 76, said the national government acknowledges the delay in the delivery of the Sputnik V component 2 doses and is closely coordinating with the manufacturer to determine the certainty and timeline of deliveries in fulfillment of the supply agreement.
The government is awaiting the arrival of 220,000 doses of Sputnik V component 2. In NVOC Advisory 72, the DOH-AEG  reminded  local government units’ health offices and vaccination implementation teams that mixing and matching of different brands of vaccines for the two-dose vaccine series or in administration of additional vaccine dose (as booster dose) is not allowed pending the availability of sufficient and conclusive studies.
DOH-Cordillera Asst. Regional Director Amelita Pangilinan, during the Regional Vaccination Operations Center meeting on Aug. 17, reminded provincial/city VOCs to ensure the local vaccination implementation teams in their respective areas are adhering to the NVOC advisories.
Pangilinan reiterated the importance of ensuring all target population in the priority groups A1 to A5 receive their vaccinations, especially the frontline health workers who are handling Covid-19 cases and the senior citizens and adults with co-morbidity, amidst the threat of the Delta variant.
Pangilinan said vaccines provide protection, especially in preventing severe illness or death from the Covid-19.
Based on the Aug. 15 data of the RVOC, 501,844 doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered in the region, of which 263,015 are fully vaccinated and 238,809 got their first dose. – Carlito C. Dar