July 27, 2024

The Department of Public Works and Highways-Benguet First District Engineering Office (BFDEO) has sent a message to the public that no one is exempted from the implementation of anti-obstruction rules on the rights-of-way of national roads.
Personnel from BFDEO, in cooperation with the Philippine National Police and the municipality of La Trinidad, scoured the highway along Pico-Lamtang for illegally parked vehicles obstructing the flow of traffic on July 29.
Police officers confiscated license plates and issued citation tickets to 12 vehicles caught illegally parked in the area.
District Engineer Ireneo S. Gallato said they are intensifying the clearing operations in the area to improve road safety, in view of Section 23 of Presidential Decree 17 or the Revised Philippine Highway Act, as amended, “declaring as unlawful for any person to usurp any portion of a right-of-way, to convert any part of any public highway, bridge, wharf or trail to his own private use or to obstruct the same in any manner.”
“We will do it weekly if possible, depending on the availability of the PNP and LGU personnel to assist us. I coordinated this to Mayor Romeo Salda and I am glad he is also willing to support us. I will also coordinate with the other mayors within the jurisdiction of BFDEO,” Gallato said.
The immediate removal of all obstructions and prohibited uses within the RROW of national roads is a mandate to all DPWH regional and district engineering offices nationwide to implement, pursuant to Department Order 73, s. 2014 or the “Prohibited uses within the right-of-way along national roads.” – Press release