July 27, 2024

LAGAWE, Ifugao – The Department of Trade and Industry here recently launched the Ifugao Creative Industry as recognition to the creativity of the Ifugaos and to present new opportunities for artists, artisans, creative workers and other stakeholders.

DTI Provincial Director Francis Pacio said the initiative aims to promote cultural exchange, encourage collaboration and networking, support emerging artists and creatives, foster creative entrepreneurship, and create more and better jobs.

This is in line with Republic Act 11904, or the “Philippine Creative Industries Development Act” which mandates the promotion and development of the country’s creative industry and Filipino creatives.

Under the law, the creative industry was included in the priority industries of the DTI. The creative sectors include audio-visual media, digital interactive media, creative services, design, publishing and printed media, performing arts, visual arts, crafts, traditional cultural expressions, and cultural sites, among other sectors.

The DTI-Ifugao invited creative workers during the launching at the Provincial Plaza in Lagawe to share their stories and to inspire the community.

Local metal artist Kelvi Galap of Kbee Metal Artworks shared how this DTI initiative helped him gain momentum in his metal artworks.

Galap said he started his metal artwork after watching someone online doing metal artwork, which sparked his interest.

However, he encountered challenges in selling his artwork making him consider not to pursue his craft anymore.

In September, the DTI-Cordillera launched the regional creative festival dubbed “Fiestakucha: Championing Creativity in the Cordilleras.”

Galap was provided the opportunity to showcase his artwork during the event, capturing the interest of participants, the media, and netizens.

He is now pursuing his craft full-time, and he regularly shares his artwork on his social media account @KbeeMetalArtworks on Facebook.

He was recently invited to showcase his creations at the Porta Vaga Mall in Baguio City.

Nikeson Kino-ol, the founder of IHingyon TV, an online Facebook page dedicated to promoting Ifugao culture and producing entertaining videos, also shared his experiences and knowledge gained from attending the FiestaKutcha.

He is hopeful the Ifugao Creative Industry will provide additional support and open opportunities to various sectors within the creative industry in the province.

Randi Diodot, the “John Wick ng Baguio,” who traces his roots to Ifugao, urged everyone to collaborate and support each other especially in the creative industry to enhance the development of the province. – Florida B. Robles