July 27, 2024

The Professional Regulation Commission is encouraging professionals to renew their Professional Identification Card (PIC) early to avoid inconveniences, loss of work opportunities, and penalties to be incurred for late renewal.

Advance application for renewal of PIC is accepted 11 months prior to its expiration with no additional fees to be incurred.

All professionals are likewise informed that in the absence of the required                                   continuing professional development (CPD) units, they can still renew their PIC provided they sign the undertaking portion of the renewal form pursuant to PRC Resolution 2022-1577 dated Sept. 22, 2022 extending the acceptance of CPD undertaking for the renewal of PIC until Dec. 31.

PRC-Cordillera mobile team set various mobile outreach services in the region, which is regularly posted on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/prc.cordillera.

Log on to online.prc.gov.ph for online appointment, visit www.prc.gov.ph or www.prcbaguio.bIogspot.com, or email PRC at [email protected]. ph for additional information or queries. – Press release