July 27, 2024

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27)
We have been praying for peace among conflicting ethnic groups in Mountain Province and Kalinga and yet the situation is becoming worse. The children and the youth are living in fear. They are being burdened by the sound of gunshots. Lives are threatened. I exhort each one to light candles and pray for peace.

CFB at 25 years of loving service
The CFB General Merchandise and Marketing celebrated its 25 years of loving service on May 21 to 22 through a two-day medical mission in Sagada, particularly in barangays Aguid and Tanulong.
CFB is the acronym of the proprietress’ name, Charito Fagyan Bacullo. “I ventured into business with the motivations of acquiring cars and having a big house. But after 25 years of business, I found joy not in having cars or a big house but in sharing blessings to the people. especially to the poor.” This was the beautiful line that caught my attention when Madame Charito delivered her message in Barangay Tanulong.
Indeed, CFB had been doing a series of gift giving especially during Christmas and anniversaries. Sagada has been in their bucket list.
The two-day CFB medical mission was loaded with joy and blessings from God. Physicians from Ateneo de Manila, Bontoc, and Sagada joined their forces to attend to hundreds of people in need of health attention. Individuals were given quality attention and medicines for free plus tokens like umbrellas, blankets, shirts, and sweatshirts. Meals were cooked by the community but abundantly provided by CFB.
Another beautiful feature that really inspired me was the full support of the family – her husband Amore and children Jason, Katleen, and Balag-ey. The aunties and siblings too were actively present and provided assistance during the medical mission. People also received clothes from the aunties of Madame Charito.
The medical mission did not only cater to the physical health of the people but also paved the way for the different churches to participate. Pastors, priests, and lay leaders from the different churches were visible in the mission. They offered spiritual counseling to the communities while the medical mission was ongoing.
Madame Charito and her family saw the power of prayer in every endeavor and therefore requested the celebration of the holy mass in the medical mission. It was a pleasant surprise that for a week rain had been pouring hard but on the day of the medical mission, there was a good weather. Indeed, it was an approval from God.
The CFB is God’s blessing to Mountain Province and may God bless them more as they shine for Jesus and shine to make people feel that truly God is a God of providence and love.

Three boys from Tanulong presented themselves at St. Joseph Church, Kilong, Sagada. Lawagan, Mal-ek, and Jeremy are elementary graders. They braved to reach Kilong to learn the life of an altar server. I was surprised to see them at the front of the church waiting for me. Asked about their presence, they chorused, “Padi, you told us to report here in order to train and be one of the altar boys in San Lorenzo Ruiz Church in Tanulong.”
Bro. Arnel Nafortic, Bro. Camsor Ached, and Leisha Chalapas spent quality time for them. They underwent catechesis and formation to be qualified as altar servers. Indeed, the Tanulong boys showed great interest in learning and for the first time, they served duringthe mass to start the medical mission in Aguid, Sagada then in Tanulong. Their parents were proud seeing their sons in their serving vestments. I hope they will soon have their own vestments.

The Sagada youth and some music enthusiasts was set to stage a concert on May 28 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church to raise funds for the construction of Christ the King Church in Madongo, Sagada. We dubbed it as Marcsongs “Laudato Si” acoustic concert. Please be one of our sponsors.
Reach me at [email protected].