July 27, 2024

An eatery at Trancoville barangay was issued a warning for dumping used oil and food scraps into the canal and drainage.

City Environment and Parks Management Office (Cepmo) Asst. Department Head Marivic Empizo said engineers Wilbur Suanding and Joseph Willy from their office inspected the site based on a complaint from a resident.

They said the owner was strictly reminded of the law on hazardous waste, a classification which covers used oil.

“The consequences of illegal disposal were highlighted, such as clogging of the drainage which may cause flooding, nuisance, and its ill-effects,” Empizo said.

“Furthermore, it was recommended food scraps and used cooking oil be placed in a container bin which will be collected by those who feed it to animals,” she added.

The owner was warned a repeat offense would warrant issuance of a notice of violation.

Cepmo Head Rhenan Diwas earlier warned food establishments against dumping grease and used oil in the city’s canals and waterways or face penalties for violating Republic Act 6969 or the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990.

Cooking oil deposits mixed with water, soil, and waste materials solidify and form a compacted blockage that is difficult to dislodge.

The presence of grease deposits in drainage pipes was one of the determined causes of clogging of the water passageways that lead to flooding of streets. – Aileen P. Refuerzo