July 27, 2024

This near-sighted Ibaloy writer learned through various traditional and social media outlets that our beautiful archipelago of delicious coconuts and smiling carabaos had one of the, if not, the highest economic growth rate in Asia last year even beating China. That’s good news indeed.
Surely, this is tremendously much better than being known as having one of the world’s worst airports and the like. So, kudos to our beloved country’s leaders, economic managers and whoever else contributed in making this possible. Mabuhay!
We hope that this wonderful economic growth will benefit all Filipinos and not just an elite few. We do pray that it is inclusive rather than exclusive.
Indeed, it is so wonderful to hear and even brag that the Philippines has achieved phenomenal economic growth but it will even be more wonderful if benefits of this growth trickles down to our countrymen wallowing in the lowest rung of the financial ladder.
Again, we are happy that our nation has achieved high economic growth and hoping that this will be maintained so that the Philippines can finally achieve take its place as one of Asia’s tiger economies.
And again, we hope that this growth benefits all Filipinos and not only the elite few like those belonging to greedy political dynasties. Tama na, sobra na.
Anyway, the City Social Welfare and Development Office and City Youth Development Office (CYDO) conducted a Safer Internet Day Forum for the city’s children and youth on March 23 at Plaza Garden and Residences, Legarda Road, with the theme, “Let’s Talk! Online World as a Safe Space for the Youth”.
Resource persons spoke on various topics on the Data Privacy Act, consent, digital identity, fact checking and cyberbullying. I was honored to speak on “Misinformation and disinformation: How to know and verify”.
CSWD Officer Liza Bulayungan said the forum’s primary objectives are to educate young people about online safety, promote responsible Internet use, and empower them with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world securely.
She stressed that the topics aim to create a safer online environment for the younger generation and promote a safer and more responsible use of the Internet among them.
Happy Easter Sunday, everyone!
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep us all safe.