July 27, 2024

In response to the pressing need for equitable access to basic necessities during times of crisis, Councilor Leandro Yangot, Jr. has proposed an ordinance seeking to curb hoarding and panic buying of essential goods.

The proposed ordinance aims to address the rampant accumulation of basic and prime commodities during health emergencies, conflagrations, and calamities.

Yangot said it is essential that every family has fair opportunities to avail of essential goods during times of crisis.

Once the ordinance is approved, the scope will extend to all acts of hoarding and panic buying within the city during declared states of emergency or calamity, with exceptions made for purchases by emergency and critical service personnel. Exceeding the allowed quantity of goods will be considered a violation.

The proposed ordinance indicates the limit for individual consumers per person per day and the limit for consumers per retailer, sari-sari store, restaurant, hotel, and the likes per day:

Six cans of sardines for each consumer per day and 24 cans for each retailer per day; three cans of other canned goods for each consumer and 12 cans per retailer; 1.2 kilograms (kg) or one can of powdered milk per retailer and maximum of five kgs per retailer; maximum of 12 sachets of powdered milk per consumer and five ties per retailer; one box/can of milk formula per consumer and maximum of five boxes/cans per retailer;

One bottle/sachet and maximum of 500 gm. of instant coffee per consumer and five bottles of sachets (each containing 500 gms.) per retailer; maximum of 12 sachets of coffee 3-in-1 per consumer and 10 ties per retailer; three packs of bread per consumer and 10 packs per retailer; six pouches of instant noodles per consumer and 48 pouches per retailer; one dozen of eggs per consumer and five dozens per retailer; one liter of cooking oil per consumer and maximum of five liters per retailer;

One kg of sugar per consumer and maximum of 10 kgs per retailer; maximum of 50 kgs of rice per consumer and 150 kgs per retailer; maximum of one pack of 12 rolls of bathroom tissue paper per consumer and maximum of 48 rolls per retailer; six bars of bath soap per consumer and maximum of 24 bars per retailer; and one box/bottle (100 pcs.) of multivitamins/vitamin C per consumer and five boxes of bottles per retailer; among other things.

The city mayor will be authorized to establish a task force or designate relevant departments for implementation. Penalties for violations include fines ranging from P1,000 to P3,000 and closure for establishments.

The proposed ordinance was referred to the committee on public protection and safety, peace, and order for review. – Jordan G. Habbiling