July 27, 2024

Leaders are agents of change. The highest leadership quality is intellectual stimulation. The stimulation factor is consistent with this leadership motivation and style because it’s where the foundation is based upon. It is important to maintain an open communication if one wants to be a leader who is also a motivator.
Another responsibility of a leader is to be an agent of change and that should start with awareness of one’s culture and environment. A rational leader is one who is aware of the culture in his surroundings.
A rational leader is also someone who attempts to gain focus by using logic. Logic is a stable way of addressing change and is usually easier to translate into this into positive change. Changes are independent of one another and each change should not be approached in the same fashion.
The leadership style of “anti-change” was used to address the needs of the college to convert the current semester schedule. The process of anti-change is when you approach a change attempting to create the least amount of stress or disturbance and according to magnitude of change. The responsibilities that are related to this are focus, order, and culture. An effective leader needs to understand the culture of the school. He or she needs to understand the environment of the change. Also, the leader must maintain focus and order for the change to be realized slowly, surely, and with the least resistance.
Leaders should also focus on instilling discipline. In many schools, both in urban and rural areas, lack of discipline is an everyday occurrence. For example, the principal needs to make sure one or two “problem-children” are not controlling the school. It is also important that these problems do not have a negative impact on classroom instruction and expectations. One “bad apple” should not dictate the growth of a classroom.
The teacher should have the support of the principal.
An effective leader will lead by example and will foster innovation by creating a consortium of communication, support, and integration.