July 27, 2024

Sixteen months on community quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic is undeniably taking its toll on the public’s mental health.
Dr. Donnabel Panes, city epidemiologist, acknowledged more individuals are now experiencing the “pandemic fatigue.”
The World Health Organization defines pandemic fatigue as “demotivation to follow recommended protective behaviors, emerging gradually over time and affected by a number of emotions, experiences, and perceptions.”
To ease pandemic fatigue, Panes recommends visiting open parks and communing with nature to breathe in fresh air.
“While we still have to follow minimum public health standards when going out of our residences, our relaxed restrictions on mobility allows us to enjoy a walk in the park. It is safer to unwind in outdoor settings if only to ease our pandemic fatigue,” Panes explained.
With the emergence of Covid-19 variants, which are more transmissible and more fatal, Panes expects more people may experience burnout as a natural response to the prolonged public health crisis considering the restrictive measures with unprecedented impacts on the daily lives of people including those who have not been directly affected by the virus itself.
“We know people are eager to return to some normalcy, but we should not let our guards down and follow minimum public health standards even those who are fully vaccinated,” Panes emphasized.
She said by avoiding closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings, the community together with the city government will be able to reach its goal of stopping the spread of Covid-19 while staying mentally healthy. – Jessa Samidan