September 14, 2024

The Philippine Information Agency through the initiative of Director-General Ramon Cualoping III is pushing for stronger partnership with government communicators and youth leaders to help inform and explain government programs and projects to the people and for the public not to be misled by disinformation.

Cualoping, during an interaction with Cordillera youth leaders and government information officers/IO-designates of line agencies and local government units, highlighted  the need to go beyond informing to explaining the programs, policies, and actions of the government for the people to understand and be engaged in the development of communities.

He said because of social media when disinformation is rampant, especially at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, informing people is not enough.

“What is essential is for people to understand what the government is doing,” he said.

“Information is the first step. We inform the people and when they are aware we should not stop there but we have to make sure that people understand. We have to explain to the people the programs, policies, and actions of government.” 

“We will inform and explain so that people will know to discern what is right or wrong,” he said as he called on government communicators and youth leaders to be active in helping to inform and empower the citizenry that can help the government in nation building.

“Help the government engage with your communities, engage with your constituents, engage with your stakeholders. We in the PIA and the Presidential Communications Operations Office will keep doing what we know we can do, which is to make things happen,” he said.

He said the PIA has come up with the “Explain, Explain, Explain” campaign, which aims to provide more details and information on government programs and projects so the public will not be deceived by disinformation.

He said the government is responding well to the challenges of the Covid-19 and is continuously working in ensuring good governance and in moving the country forward amid this trying time. – Carlito C. Dar