July 27, 2024

Local exporters are encouraged anew to protect their intellectual property (IP) to improve the value of goods and services.

“Protected IP adds value to an exporter’s products because there are higher export demands for well-known brands,” said lawyer Ginalyn Sacmar-Badiola, director III at Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines’ (IPOPHL) Bureau of Trademarks.

She cited an earlier World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) report showing almost one-third of the total value-added of all products manufactured and sold pertains to intangible capital, such as technology, design and brand value.

Sacmar-Badiola said exporters who registered their IP in the country or territory where they intend to export their goods and services are protected, with copyright the only exception.

She also underscored the importance of strengthening local registered brands.

Sacmar-Badiola said they should first identify IP assets, then decide on the strategy in protecting such assets, and determine the route to be taken and register the IP.

“Register in ASEAN or in select countries around the world; apply for industrial design or asset copyright over designs,” she said, adding exporters can file applications through the IPO or directly to WIPO.

Sacmar-Badiola said they can then use, maintain, and promote the registered IP; and enforce IP rights.

“Actively enforce rights against infringers, counterfeiters, and pirates by either filing administrative, civil, or criminal complaints or reporting to the Enforcement Office of the IPO,” she said.

Sacmar-Badiola said kinds of IP are trademark, patent, utility model, industrial design, and geographical indications (GI).

GIs are indications that identify a good as originating in a particular territory, or a region or a locality because of a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of a good that is attributable to its geographical origin and/or human factors, she added. – Press release