July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong reminded residents and visitors to take extra effort in conserving water in the face of the water scarcity caused by the drought or El Niño phenomenon.

“For instance, let us avoid wastage by not letting our water tanks or water storage containers overflow.We should also regularly check our water tanks for defects and leaks and promptly have these fixed,” the mayor said.

Magalong said people should be extra conscious of water conservation because of the lack of water supply experienced in Baguio due to El Niño.

“We can help alleviate the problem by being responsible citizens,” he said.

The mayor again reminded owners of private deep wells and water delivery businesses against over-pumping and doing abusive practices that harm the city’s water table.

He was also set to meet with the National Water Resources Board to request for intensified regulation and monitoring of the operations of the registered water supply businesses and the proliferation of illegal deepwells which contributes to the declining yield of the city’s water sources.

He said while long-term solutions continue to be pursued, residents can help with water conservation measures in their homes, offices, and establishments.

The Baguio Water District has been reiterating these water conservation tips: Repurpose water and use every drop. Recycle water by reusing laundry water for flushing toilets, cleaning bathroom or washing cars; Turn off faucets when not in use, such as when brushing teeth; Report or repair leaks immediately; Use low-flow devices/materials.  Water-saving gadgets are available in the market; Take bucket bath or short showers. Use a bucket or dipper and discourage children from playing with water; Hand water gardens. Use bucket and dipper instead of water hose; Capture rainwater. Practice rainwater harvesting in your homes with the use of ordinary asphalt drums; Use basins in doing laundry to avoid overflow of water when laundering with hands. Use washing machines with full loads only;

For car wash companies: Shorten car washing time; Use water saving devices; Recycle water used in operation; and for private and public vehicle owners: Reduce instances that their cars are washed.

At present, the BWD has a total of 46,726 active connections supplied by its 77 pumping stations, 63 deep wells, 4 open/spring sources, and two rainwater harvesting facilities. – Aileen P. Refuerzo