July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong said the move to reinstate the wearing of face masks in indoor settings is part of the city’s proactive stance to constantly safeguard the health of the populace.

The mayor issued Executive Order 63-2023 on May 17 reviving the mandatory use of face masks in indoor spaces like workplaces, classrooms, events venues, banquet halls, and conference rooms.

Face masks in these places will be required except when drinking or eating, undergoing medical, dental or personal care procedures and during conduct of physical fitness activities.

The order also sought to ensure eligible individuals are fully vaccinated or have received at least one booster dose and that engineering controls that maximize ventilation are implemented.

In a statement last May 16, the mayor said while the increase in Covid-19 cases had been gradual and in fact had even gone down in the last three days, the city cannot take chances, especially since economic activities have been in full gear and there are no plans to restrict people’s movement.

“There is no need to control movement or to limit gatherings and events. We will just take extra precautions in protecting not only our residents but also residents of neighboring places as well as visitors from other localities by wearing masks in indoor places and by avoiding handshakes and doing fist bumps instead,” the mayor said.

He also encouraged observing minimum public health standards like avoiding crowds, washing hands, doing regular disinfection, and such other measures that were religiously practiced before. He again encouraged people to update their vaccination.

“This may sound cliché but as always, prevention is better than cure,” he said. – Aileen P. Refuerzo