July 27, 2024

The Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB) of the Department of Trade and Industry continues to provide fair and efficient redress to consumers in adherence to Department Administrative Order 13-02, s. 2013, the resolution of complaints within the jurisdiction of the DTI.

The FTEB received a total of 28,824 complaints in 2023, 8,937 (31 percent) of which were mediated and adjudicated, while 19,887 (69 percent) were endorsed to other concerned government agencies consistent with the “No Wrong Door” policy. Furthermore, among the complaints received, 42 percent were related to online transactions.

Most complaints involved deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales acts and practices, followed by complaints on products and services liability, and misleading or fraudulent sales promotion.

“In an era where digital transformation reshapes industries, the DTI continues to ensure fair and impartial adjudication, upholding the principles of due process and procedural fairness,” Secretary Fred Pascual said.

The DTI urges the public to remain vigilant and reach out to concerned government agencies to redress their complaints. Free of charge, consumers can submit complaints online through https://podrs.dti.gov.ph. They can also visit the DTI-FTEB office, or any respective regional or provincial offices.

For consumer-related concerns and queries, email [email protected] or call the One-DTI (1-384) hotline. – Press release