July 27, 2024

Garbage collectors need a break, too.

The General Services Office has reported that garbage collection is back to normal after the slight delays incurred after the Yuletide celebrations.

The GSO said the delay in the collection was due to the increased volume of garbage generated during the holidays and the adjustments in the schedule the office implement to give the GSO personnel time to be with their families for the celebrations.

“We are experiencing delays in the collection of garbage in the different barangays due to the volume of garbage generated and the schedule adjustments made to give our hardworking personnel enough time to enjoy the Christmas and New Year celebrations with their loved ones,” GSO head Eugene Buyucan said in an advisory on Jan. 5.

Complaints about the pile of uncollected wastes in various barangays surfaced on social media after the holidays, with netizens claiming trucks did not appear on the designated dates of garbage collection.

Buyucan said the GSO is working hard to bring the collection process back to normal.

“With the holidays now over, our teams are now back in full force and working to address the garbage collection backlogs. We are working hard to normalize the collection process as soon as possible,” added the advisory.

Buyucan said that as expected, the volume of wastes generated in the past weeks increased to an estimate of 650 tons per day as against the average daily waste output of the city of 550 tons being collected on normal day.

On regular days, the average volume of garbage generated in the city is 550 tons, based on the Waste Analysis and Characterization Study done by the GSO last year. – Jane B. Cadalig