July 27, 2024

Easter Season seems to have been overcome by the pandemic because people are more conscious about the Covid-19 than our faith in the Risen Jesus. We tend to forget that we are Easter people.
Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have also in me.” Jesus revealed himself again to Thomas. He said to him, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 1-12)
If there is one obvious development among people, it is the capability to pray now and to find more time with spiritual activities than before the Covid-19 pandemic.
We see more families praying together, more government employees clasping their hands for prayer, uniformed personnel holding their bibles along the hubs and offices, and more spiritual songs being composed. It is a happy surprise for a pandemic to bring people closer to God. Nevertheless, there are also people losing their faith and finding prayer useless.
I recall one of my good friends who vented out his frustration. “Prayer is useless. How can you change the mind of God with prayers? God is powerful; He does not need to listen to his people. Hence, prayer is useless.” He said such lines because he was suffering a lot from the pandemic.
It is noteworthy to mention how Mountain Province is combining science and faith to prevent the entry of the virus in the communities.
The League of Mayors of Mountain Province has initiated a meeting in Bontoc to sustain Covid-19-free municipalities by remaining under the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). The LMP hopes that Resolution 02, s. 2020 will be approved by the governor and the inter-agency task force. Certainly, it will win favor.
Bontoc Mayor Franklin Odsey, the LMP chapter president, has confirmed this in a phone conversation. He stressed on cooperation among government officials and the people. He is hoping that we will all look into the wisdom of the request for Mountain Province to be reverted to the ECQ status, instead of being under general community quarantine (GCQ). He encouraged the strengthening of checkpoints and observing necessary health protocols. He said, “We are doing our best to maintain a Covid-free municipality and province.”
Mayor Gabino Ganggangan of Sadanga has underscored the danger when one Covid-19 positive individual enters the province. It will make a big difference in the battle. I am particular with the cultural practices that can help us in observing the ECQ. He sees to it that even the barangays will not be lenient in the observance of the ECQ. Mayor Gabino manifested the advantage of a firm decision and its implementation. “We need to work together.”
Mayor Johnson Bantog II of Besao gave additional information. “I care for my people and I don’t want any of them to be infected. So we must continue to heighten our fight against the virus. By all means, we triple our effort in preventing the virus. I am serious about the checkpoints; nobody is exempted. They should undergo health procedures. Padi, please pray for me. I need prayers.”
Mayor James “Payko” Pooten of Sagada might be busy when I called so I failed to get information from him. But just three days ago, he sought again for prayers for he knew well the predicament and other contributing problems in the municipality. “Padi, please pray for me.”
The request to revert Mountain Province from a GCQ status to ECQ will take effect once it is approved. We pray that the governor will approve the resolution and be confirmed by the region. Only then that the resolution will take effect. Meantime, we are still under GCQ.
Two weeks of ECQ is just two days for those who make use of the quarantine days creatively, productively, resourcefully, and proactively. For those who will be grumbling and complaining, two weeks will feel like two years.
I had been receiving messages from Facebook and text regarding the truthfulness of the move of the mayors. I cannot comment since I am not aware of the move. I only became aware of the request when at least three mayors provided adequate information and explanation.
Let us support our mayors. Let us support the Philippine National Police, Armed Forces of the Philippines, doctors, and nurses, health workers, volunteers, social workers, priests, and nuns. They are risking their lives for us. Let us support the request that we return under ECQ.
For as long as the virus is around, we will not return to our usual routine. Hence, we get rid of the virus to get back to the normal of life. I overheard a new term, “We are in the new normal.”
I just hope ECQ and GCQ will not suppress common sense.
Reach me at [email protected] or at 0905-165-3669.