July 27, 2024

Especially in a predominantly Catholic country like ours, most (if not all) must have already heard the adage, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Sadly, as an admitted slacker when it comes to religious matters (apologies to my mother), this Ibaloy writer would rather compare “giving” and “receiving” not in terms of which is more “blessed” but rather how the action affects the person doing the act.
Without conducting any scientific tests or interviews but just using myself as an example, I could state that being a recipient of whatever from whoever (as long as this does not violate any legal and moral laws, of course) feels good especially if this is done with love. However, I must admit that it feels even better when giving assistance to others, particularly those in need, without expecting anything back in return or with no strings attached. This is when circumstances allow, of course.
Lest people say that this columnist is being “holier-than-thou,” rest assured that I am as big a sinner as anybody else. I am straightforward and even surprised to disclose that I feel happier when doing the giving than the receiving. So, the saying that it is more blessed to give than to receive must have some kernel of truth to it. Just my opinion. Try finding it out for yourselves, if you haven’t yet.
Speaking of giving and receiving, the city government has received 3,440 doses of Sinovac and 120 doses of Moderna anti-Covid-19 vaccines from the Department of Health on April 8 according to City Health Services Office head Rowena Galpo who said the donation bolsters thecity’s Covid-19 vaccine supply totalling 107,647.
Currently in stock are 45,372 Pfizer vaccines for 12 years old and above; 25,570 Pfizer for 5 to 11 years old; 22,040 Astra-Zeneca; 8,415 Sinovac; and 6,250 Moderna Covid-19 vaccines, she said.
The city government has distributed 334 hospital beds as of April 12 with the Department of Education getting 125 and the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center with 100 beds.
Also getting hospital beds are Teachers’ Camp with four; Baguio City Police Office, five; various health centers, 30; and different barangays receiving 70 beds. The hospitals beds were formerly stationed at several Covid-19 isolation units that have been decommissioned due to the city’s falling infection rates. Cheers!

FYI: Ordinance 571, s. 1973 prohibits any person to burn or cause to be burned trees, grasses, loose materials such as garbage, waste or dry leaves and any other inflammable matters, including the holding of bonfires outside their residences, in any public place or land, or any private land adjoining any public land or vacant lots. Provided that an enclosed fenced lot wherein a residential house is constructed shall be considered part of the residence. The city mayor or his duly authorized representative is authorized to allow and to issue permits for the burning of any such material or the holding of bonfires under conditions he shall deem proper and necessary.
Violators will be penalized with P1,000 fine or imprisonment for 60 days, or both in the discretion of the court.

Here’s “And the World Carries On” by Amy O. Connor: “The plates will still shift/ and the clouds will still spew./ The sun will slowly rise/ and the moon will follow too./ Life’s beauty will continue/ to flourish all around,/ but now you are gone,/ these birds have no sound./ And my heart does not beat./ It is still inside my chest./ My tears keep on falling/ and my head will not rest./ But I have no choice only/ to move through this life./ Endlessly attempting/ to fill this longing that is rife.”
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep us all safe.