July 27, 2024

BONTOC, Mountain Province – Nursing students of the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College collaborated with the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office in training high school students in the municipality on basic life support.

The training session for Grade 12 senior high students of Saint Vincent School on April 22 aimed to raise awareness on emergency preparedness and equip them with the knowledge and skills on how to provide immediate assistance in medical emergency situations.

With the theme, “Be a lifesaver in critical situations”, the session included learning proper process for applying cardiopulmonary resuscitation, foreign body airway obstruction, and bandaging techniques. 

Sendric N. Pasian, SVS Grade 12 class president, expressed gratitude to the nursing students for conducting the activity. He said he can now confidently respond to certain health emergencies. 

 “Kung meron mang ma-injure, hindi na ako magiging bystander, kaya ko nang tumulong,” Pasian said.

Kathrina L. Llopis, a fourth year nursing student, said they have initiated the activity to help the younger students learn a vital life skill that they can use when dealing with medical emergencies. 

“This activity is student-initiated activity and we want that before we graduate, we can impart some BLS knowledge to the students. I hope that they can learn from our training, and through this they become more engaged in similar activities in the future,” Llopis said.

The training is aligned with the Republic Act 10871, which requires basic education students to undergo age-appropriate basic life support training. – Valerie Jane Taguba