July 27, 2024

The city government and Australia are looking at the possibility of creating more scholarship opportunities for qualified local officials and employees wanting to pursue higher education in Australian universities.

This was discussed during the courtesy call of Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Hae Kyong Yu at the City Mayor’s Office on Nov. 17 with Acting Mayor Faustino Olowan and Councilor Jose Molintas.

The Ambassador was accompanied by Australian Embassy First Secretary of Political Affairs Ben Esguerra and Program and Research Officer Aeriel Quijano.

Yu said some of the country’s local and national leaders, in the government, military, and other sectors, are alumni of Australian universities.

She said several of the scholarships allow the grantees to bring their families with them to Australia until they finish their graduate studies.

Olowan expressed the city’s gratitude on the proposed educational scholarship endeavor and her government’s support to the Baguio City Smart Flooding Warning, Information and Mitigation System Project currently being implemented under the ASEAN Australia Smart Cities Trust Fund. – Gaby B. Keith