July 27, 2024

The Department of Trade and Industry spearheaded the inter-agency monitoring of basic necessities and prime commodities at the Baguio public market, recently.
The Consumernet team checked compliance to the Price Tag Law, weighing scales, permits and licenses, and other documentary requirements in 182 stores, which include 18 groceries; four hardware and electrical supplies; 21 fish, meat, and frozen products stores; 139 assorted stalls from the rice, fruits, and vegetables section.
Basic necessities and prime commodities include rice, meat products, fish, vegetables, and fruits.
In general, majority of the stores monitored were compliant to Price Tag Law except for one that was issued Notice of Violation (NOV). Two stores were also issued NOVs due to selling of products which lacked weight.
There were 24 weighing scales pulled out by market enforcers due to violations such as lack in measurements when tested with test weights, defective, no seal/sticker, dilapidated and un-calibrated.
Several weighing scales were also found to have no stickers but were inspected to be not defective so the store owners were asked to visit the City Treasury Office immediately for compliance on putting of sticker.
Another observation noted is the violation of Consumer Act or RA 4109, which prohibits claiming a consumer product of a particular standard, quality or, grade, style, or model when in fact it is not.
There are several fish vendors with misleading label of fish product. An example is sliced pangasius fish labeled as pink salmon/salmon.
One improvement noted was the increased compliance to the weighing scale calibration by the fruits and vegetables stall owners as compared to previous monitoring activities.
The team recommended continuous monitoring and enforcement by concerned agencies, distribution of information, education, and communication campaign materials on city ordinances and fair trade laws to vendors. – Maria Aprila Cruz