July 27, 2024

The Government Service Insurance System reported a net income of P61 billion for the first half of the year, a 20-fold increase from the P3B in the same period last year.

GSIS President and General Manager Jose Arnulfo Veloso said the marked growth in profitability from January to June was driven by strong revenues and an improvement in the revenue-to-operating expense ratio at two percent from the five percent ratio last year.

“Our first half performance shows enhanced revenue generation and operational efficiencies, marked by growth in key business areas, including general insurance, real estate, and Investments,” Veloso said.

While expenses have grown to 10 percent, Veloso said the rate of increase was slower.

“Administrative and operational expenses were recorded at 2.6 percent, down from 4.9 percent in the same period last year, well below the legal threshold of 12 percent,” he said.

The total assets of GSIS stood at P1.6 trillion as of June 30, an eight percent increase from last year.

Investments in the domestic sector also increased P1.2T while global investments grew by eight percent or P204B.

Veloso also attri-buted the development to the operational efficiencies of the GSIS general insurance, digitalization rate, and expanded payment platforms.

Through enhanced data analytics and sustained investment returns, GSIS also successfully extended its fund life by another five years or until 2058.

“A lengthier actuarial life allows us to meet our obligation of providing timely be-nefits to our members and pensioners. As a financial institution, we focus on growing our members’ contributions through strategic investment opportunities,” Veloso said.

One of the State pension fund’s focuses in the coming years, Veloso said, will be maximizing real estate value through the Pambansang Pabahay Program and joint ventures on select big-ticket assets.

Revenue generation will also be aligned by investing in “promising,” growth-oriented sectors that are in sync with national development as well as empowering its employees and members by providing enhanced loan products and medical insurance.

Veloso said GSIS is committed to invest in sectors integral to the government’s socio-economic agenda namely, housing, energy, food, and healthcare.

As of July 31, GSIS recorded two million members and 586,791 pensioners being served through 42 branch offices, 15 extension offices, and 131 service desks with a total of 14,469 agency authorized officers and 12,397 electronic remittance file handlers.

There are also 933 GSIS kiosks throughout the country and its mobile app GSIS Touch now has 855,668 users. – PNA