July 27, 2024

The central office of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board has set a hearing date for the petition for a P5 fare hike filed by jeepney operators and drivers in the Cordillera.

According to Cordillera-Region 1 Transport Group president Pat Evangelista, the LTFRB central office has set the hearing on Nov. 25.

Drivers and operators in the region have filed a separate petition for a P5 fare increase on the base fare plus P1 for the succeeding kilometer.

Citing the cost of fuel is more expensive and the terrain in the Cordillera, the group petitioned the LTFRB for a P5 hike – higher than that of the petition in Metro Manila.

Pending at the LTFRB are several petitions for a fare hike due to the inflation and the series of oil price increases since the reopening of the economy following the gradual lifting of Covid-19 restrictions.

In response to the series of fuel price increases, the LTFRB has released subsidies to PUV operators but when funds run out, the board last month granted a P1 provisional fare increase covering the first four kilometers.

In a statement, the LTFRB said it will carefully weigh options on the need to increase fare as the public are also feeling the pinch of the inflation and might also not be able to cope if there is a drastic increase in the fare for public transportation. – Rimaliza A. Opiña