July 27, 2024

The historic Mount Data Hotel in Bauko, Mountain Province reopened with a new look on May 5 featuring modern updates while preserving its heritage.

Now under the management of the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (Tieza), the P39.9-million rehabilitation project provided modern updates to the hotel’s 22 rooms, two dormitories, conference facilities, restaurant, bar and cafe, picnic grounds and eco-trail.

Tieza Chief Operating Officer Mark Lapid said they will include more family-oriented activities to the hotel including trail hiking, mountain bike riding, and horseback riding, among others outdoor events.

“The reopening of the hotel would signal the boost of tourism in Mountain Province. This is one of the steps to push for the recovery of tourism in our country,” Lapid said.

During the launching attended by officials of the Department of Tourism and local government units of Mountain Province, Lapid responded to the request of the provincial government to also provide cultural presentations and activities such as traditional foot and head massage to tourists, which will provide local job opportunities.

He said they have employed local residents from the manager to the staff of the hotel.

Mayor Abraham Akilit of the host town thanked the Tieza for the upgrade of the hotel, which will help boost the economy of the municipality and nearby areas.

Art works made by Cordillera artists are also on display at the hotel’s Lang-ay Restaurant, where the scenic fireplace is located, and the lobby and hallway. The hotel’s newest addition is the At-ato Coffee Shop and Bar which is located adjacent to the restaurant.

The hotel was established by the Tieza (formerly the Philippine Tourism Authority) in the 1960s to encourage tourism in the Cordillera. The management and operation of the facility was turned over to the provincial government in 2006.

Due to the provincial government’s inability to manage it, it was brought back under the Tieza management in 2016. 

The hotel was also a witness to the Mt. Data peace accord or the Sipat peace pact between then President Corazon Aquino and the Cordillera Peoples’ Liberation Army on Sept. 13, 1986 that led to the creation of the Cordillera Administrative Region.  

Lapid said the rich history of the hotel would be its main selling point aside from its beautiful location and climate. He said Tieza will decide where to display the Sipat relics to preserve the history of the hotel.

One of the hotel’s original mainstays, the old upright steam engine boiler which was a donation from the Heald Lumber Company in 1962, is the main showcase at the At-ato Coffee Shop as a reminder of the hotel’s 50-year history.   

A kiosk will also be provided to display the products of local entrepreneurs from Mountain Province at the lobby.

Lapid said they are not closing doors to any private sectors or chain of hotels who would be willing to manage Mount Data Hotel but with an agreement to preserve the place together with the DOT.

The other facility managed by Tieza is the Banaue Hotel in Ifugao.

The hotel has an introductory price of P3,000 per room for two persons.

For more information email them at [email protected] or [email protected] or contact (+63)995-119-4476 or (+63)969-364-2865. – Ofelia C. Empian